Meet Bailey Graham, Sculpture artist based in UK who has been making waves with her innovative projects

Bailey Graham is a sculpture artist from the UK who has been making waves with her unique and innovative projects that use natural materials to challenge our ideas of what sculpting is. She makes art that continues to reflect difficult subjects and reconceptualizes everything from climate change to grief. 

The focus of Graham’s work has been to create pieces that explore the relationship between death and nature. For this purpose, she has employed mushroom art and other mediums to create original approaches to surrealism sculpture making with pieces that are sure to stay with the audience for a long time. 


She has started working on the topic of death and nature when her own grief and her own fascination with the matter after a near-death experience. Currently, Graham is using her psychedelic and unique sculpting to explore the topic of climate change and how it can be visualized through an artistic lens. 


Climate change is currently a hot-button issue that is becoming more and more relevant. In some, it inspires anxiety and, in others, a sense of denial. Graham uses an innovative medium to challenge people to engage with the issue of climate change on an artistic level. Climate change is not an easy topic to discuss, but Graham takes it out of the political space into a place where it just exists and be observed and pondered afresh. 

Graham uses unique materials. She makes art with fungi, utilizing natural processes like decay, to create memorable pieces that put the audience in contact with their experience of death, grief, anxiety about the future and inspire them to seek out natural spaces and the emotions these create. 

Graham’s work has a macabre style that reflects the idea of memento mori, something that is sure to capture the attention of anyone seeing the art and watch nature transformed into something new without losing its essence. Her pieces are complex and accessible because of the way they are presented and of how natural materials feel when placed in this novel context. Mushroom art draws the eye in a way that marble doesn’t always accomplish and encourages the audience to draw deeper and allow themselves to think about things they might be avoiding.

At the same time, Graham’s work and its natural quality offer a serenity that persists even when the pieces are dark. It is sure to find an appreciative audience among those looking for more accessible but still challenging modern art and those interested in art that explores topics with a surreal lens. The sculptor does not mean to create pieces that just exist but those that inspire change, internally and externally, helping individuals reach new visions and ideas. In particular, Graham wants to inspire her audience to make a difference in regards to the insidious and continued influence of climate change. In her past projects, she has engaged with social issues like bullying and others.

You can discover more about Bailey Graham‘s current and past projects through her website and Instagram @theballadofbaileyblue. Stay tuned for her exhibitions and new developments.


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