YouTuber and Car Enthusiast DeMarcus Carvain shares how his love for cars started when he was a kid.

Today, we have the pleasure of interviewing DeMarcus Carvain, a Business Owner, Entrepreneur, and Car Enthusiast YouTuber. 

Hi DeMarcus, Great to have you with us today! Please share with our readers about your journey.

My Name is DeMarcus “The Real DLC” Carvain. My journey started some years back, just being tired of working in corporate America and deciding to build my team and companies to grow our financial footprint. My love for cars started as a kid with my father, who also loves cars and speed. I remember as young as 3 years old loving sports cars. 


Please tell us about your YouTube Channel, CarVainTV.

My YouTube Channel is called “CarVainTV,” it is mostly a car YouTube channel that touches on business and lifestyle Vlog. I do everything from buying Cars to building them from the ground up. Vacations, Business deals, Car Racing, and Car flipping (buying to sale for profit). 


What are the strategies that helped you become successful in your journey?

Reading, Watching, Listening. Learning not to set expectations on myself too high but to still work my ass off to achieve my goals

Any message for our readers.

Stay focused on what you want to achieve and accomplish. Keep going forward and working for it and find friends who want the same things. 


Fantastic! So tell us, how can people find out more about you?

You can check out my YouTube channel CarvainTV, Instagram @therealdlc and @Carvaintv. You can also check out my Facebook @TheRealDLC (DeMarcus Carvain). 

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Thank you so much, DeMarcus, for giving us your precious time! We wish you all the best for your journey ahead!

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