He helps people learn their self-worth through Bible’s philosophy! Meet Author Linwood Jackson Jr.

Today, we have the pleasure of interviewing Linwood Jackson Jr., an author. He writes on mental and spiritual health and its life-altering benefits.

Please tell us something about yourself.

I help people learn their self-worth, and the value of their thoughts and feelings, through the Bible’s philosophy on mental and spiritual growth and development.

How did you get into what you do right now? Please tell us more about your journey.

I began my journey, looking for a better definition of “love.” Finding myself, harming myself, both mentally and physically, due to emotional instability, I began to look through various philosophies of self-betterment to help but found nothing suiting my mind. Having a memory of my upbringing in my nominal upbringing in the Bible, I simply turned to the words of the Bible to see if they had any practical value outside. I soon discovered that they did. The philosophical diet of the Bible helped me better my physical body. The positive experience I had with the Bible’s words became the basis of my first book, “Perfecting & Reforming Personal Religion.”

Who are your role models?

To be honest, I can say that the closest patterns I model are the apostle Paul and the man they call Jesus. The man they call Jesus, according to the Bible, was simply a human being, a Rabbi, that revolutionized the philosophy of the Jewish religion by strategically, and sincerely, pointing out the flaws in the Jewish religious tradition. He, as did Paul, taught the meaning of the words within that philosophy, educating ministers on science the Jewish religion hid through various religious laws, customs, and traditions. I look at these two as inspirations, because the same philosophical error committed by the Jewish religion continues in the Christian religion, and in my writings, and in how I carry my business, I carry on the science these two individuals preached, and for the same honor, it provides to the mind willing to learn of and prove it.

What inspires you?

The fact that I am allowing a greater pattern of thought to exist in this world inspires me. The man they call Jesus, and also Paul, both taught the downfall of religion, along with the upside to abandoning traditional religious thought, to live in perfect equilibrium by the knowledge acquired when taking personal responsibility of one’s philosophical or doctrinal confidence. I am inspired, every single day, by the people who reach out to me with both love and hate for the material I am putting out because it is showing that my service isn’t useless, but is actually relevant, and will form a very long last legacy to continue to challenge the philosophy of ministers that distort the Bible’s benevolent science.

Please tell us about what you do.


My business encourages personal and devotional growth and development through the Bible’s counsel on the newness of thought and feeling our character must have for a more healthy mind and being. My greatest need is balance, and counsel on how to have balance for a productive life. I share the Bible’s counsel on balance with my audience. The books I write thoroughly examine the Bible’s words to better understand how to achieve this balance. Having benefited not from any religion, but from the Bible’s words, and from practically applying myself to the philosophy within those words, it is a joy of mine to continue to study the Bible’s wisdom on life, on love, and on health and to share it.

What’s your most memorable experience?

The most memorable experience I have is in being at an event and meeting people who understood my identity from the sound of my voice. At this point in time, in 2017, I had been doing a lot of radio interviews, having only my voice, and not yet my face, publicly recognized. As I sat at this event, and at a table, many people would come up to me, seeing my books and having a hunch about who I was, but when I opened up my mouth and spoke, they would immediately hug me or shake my hand, now recognizing who I am.

For some reason, this memory stays in my mind because I’m not just doing radio shows anymore, but also web shows and am ridiculously more publicly visible than just even three years ago. This memory is a bit of inspiration, both personally and professionally, because it reminds me that, even if I think I’m not making an impact, that I actually am, and that the work I am doing is actually beneficial to whoever encounters it.

Which social media channels work best for promoting your work? What exactly do you do on the social media channel that makes it work for you?

I use Instagram, Youtube, and I do have a Facebook business page. These platforms are a great way to reach and to interact with your “tribe.” I post my interviews on Youtube and Facebook and specific quotes from me on Instagram. It is amazing to actually know that there are souls sharing your frequency who may not know how to articulate that frequency as well as you do, but do willingly support and value how you do articulate it.

What is my greatest fear?

I have never thought about it. I don’t think I honestly have one.

Looking back, what’s one thing you wish you understood better before you ever got started?

If I could go back in time, I would tell myself not to spend so much time, energy, and money on various people claiming to help you reach the public, or claiming to help you brand your platform. When I first got started, I honestly didn’t think about making honest connections through working hard, but putting confidence on people who, I soon after found out, only saw my talent, and my sincere passion, as an advantage for their own gain — a definite rookie mistake.

I wish I had understood the value of personally digging into and stressing about your project, and by your self. Nothing isn’t immediate. Notoriety isn’t overnight. The trust of the public is not natural. These things take time, and yes, money is also involved and very necessary, but I wish I understood how to be smarter about money, and how to also be a greater judge of character. Now that I’ve learned these things, I guess, the hard way, I can share this wisdom, and I can also know how to properly regulate what I generate.

What are the strategies that helped you become successful in your journey?

The most successful strategy that has helped me, and that continues to help me, is the construction of a team that loves you, your message, and your audience. A “team” has been the most important key to my success, and without them, I honestly wouldn’t be where I am today.

What keeps you going when things get tough?

What keeps me going is the thought that if I ever stop, minds will not be fed. We live in an age of information and philosophy. As I see it, the information is misinformation, and the philosophy is fraudulent. Should I ever stop giving the Bible’s spiritual understanding on the course and benefit of bettering the human condition, then minds actually desiring to better their characters will not have anything outside of the norm, or outside of traditional thought, to turn to.

Any message for our readers.


The main message I would like to leave with your readers is to remember to learn how to exercise empathy, and to take knowledge of their living experience. Your individual being isn’t dictated by society’s definition of life. I think we have to remember that. We each have a responsibility to our own self, to understand who we are for practically functioning in society not as followers, but as doers, as leaders, as leaders first at home, and then as leaders publicly.

How can people connect with you?

Connect with me via Instagram or on Facebook. Also, visit my website, if you would like to reach out or contact me.