Get royalty free music for your broadcasting projects at fiftysounds!

We live in the golden age of content. There has never been a time in human history when so many video games, television and radio channels and programs, movies, series, videos, podcasts, and more have been created. What has especially exploded in the past few years is the creation of video and audio content  by professional, semi-professional, and emerging artists.

Anyone has the tools to make a movie, video game, podcast, or any other creation with just a phone, a computer, and the right resources (and a lot of effort, too). In regards to these resources, having access to the right assets is hugely important. While we can create whatever we want, we need to find the elements that make up a strong production, no matter what our project is, and one of the more universal resources we need is music.

Music plays an important role in many projects. It can serve to set the mood, to engage the emotions of our viewer/listener/audience, to support the message we want to send, and beyond. Without music, video games, apps, podcasts, films, and more just don’t sound the same and might feel awkward to experience. But not all of us are professional music composers or artists.

Most music that is available has rights that limit its use, especially for commercial projects. However, there are options for finding and using royalty free music, and  is a great option to find the best choice for any project. According to the website, you can use their music for free for personal and commercial projects from YouTube videos to theatre productions, slideshows, and even corporate videos.


Royalty free music is essential because it allows you to set the right mood and not have to worry about your videos or content getting blocked or taken down. If you are interested in specific types of music, Fifty Sounds offers a wide selection, from classic to pop, piano, ambient, children’s music, and more.


A special category is cinematic music. It includes not only the tracks, but also provides a detailed descriptions for the instruments and vocals and also the type of mood or scene that is associated with the music. Whether you are looking for something spiritual, romantic, or funny. Each track comes with suggestions for the way you can use it and what it fits best.


Fifty Sounds has free and premium tracks, and you can use them with the right attribution to the project. You need to provide a link back to Fifty Sounds, and you can find out how to do that for your type of project specifically on the FAQ page at the website.


Fifty Sounds is a great resource for royalty free music for any project. As it provides commercial options, you can easily start making money from the video, audio, video game, or any other type of content you want to create and share. Discover their huge library of tracks today and start creating.