Irina Lepelkina unveils the secrets of healthy skin & hair through her all-natural cosmetics brand ‘Organic Beauty’

Damaged skin and damaged hair are significant problems that often are associated with health problems or inadequate care. Many of the products available today for hair and skin, even coming from reputable brands, don’t help fix the damage because of the ingredients they use. Not all products can promote healing for everyone, as some people need gentler and more natural options that don’t further damage the hair or the user’s skin. 

This is something Irina Lepelkina, the founder of Organic Beauty, discovered firsthand. In 2016, Irina moved to America with nothing but a suitcase and faced, among many other issues, persistent damage to hair and skin that would not go away even when she used high-end products and spent a lot on options offered by the most recognized brands in the market. However, this didn’t help her. 

Eventually, she decided to check out the lists of ingredients that appeared in these products to find out what was going wrong, and she was shocked. As far as she understood it, many ingredients had nothing to do with the stated goals of the product, they did not work to treat what the product promised to treat. In addition to this, many ingredients seemed concerning because of the potential harm, and Irina decided that her trust in these brands had been misplaced.


Irina Lepelkina took time to do her own research and, six years later, is proud to present clean, safe, and natural ingredients that can help promote natural healing. She came up with formulas that could work effectively and help people repair the damage they face without creating additional issues. 

Organic Beauty is an all-natural cosmetics company that makes a promise of safe ingredients that can help the person have healthy skin and hair, not just for the sake of beauty but also for the sake of health. 

Organic Beauty creates products made of organic ingredients with proven effectiveness that can nourish damaged skin and hair. These are products that have helped many, including Irina herself, improve their appearance and the health of their bodies, thanks to the gentle healing process that can be promoted thanks to their selection of ingredients.



This brand is certain to please fans of natural cosmetics, fans who are looking for gentler alternatives that promote natural healing. It is sure to interest, in particular, those who have damage to their skin or hair that traditional products have not been able to fix. It can also help people looking for gentle, organic, and natural products that can benefit their skincare routine and also improve the look and health of their hair. The products are organic and come from a genuine desire to make something better and more effective, which shows. 

You can learn all about the brand and see the available products over at the website. You can follow the founder, Irina Lepelkina, on her personal Instagram @irina.lepelkina; this account showcases her own journey through beauty. You can check out the brand’s Instagram over at


We had the pleasure of interviewing Irina Lepelkina. Here are the excerpts from the interview.  

Hi Irina, Great to have you with us today! What inspired you to start Organic Beauty?

There’s nothing more frustrating than damaged skin and hair. As someone who once struggled with these issues, I am thrilled to give the world a new option to heal! As an all-natural cosmetics company, we are all about using clean, safe, and effective ingredients to completely transform the health and appearance of your skin and hair.



Please share with our readers about your journey.

In 2016, I moved to America with just a suitcase. During this time, I was dealing with severely damaged hair and skin, despite using high-end products from top brands. I decided to check out the ingredients, and what I found was shocking. Most of the big brands I blindly trusted weren’t using proper ingredients for what they claimed to treat, and a lot of them were harmful! After six years of my own thorough research, I finally came up with formulas that work – and that’s how Organic Beauty was born.



Any message for our readers? 

Organic Beauty utilizes natural, organic ingredients that are nourishing for your skin and hair. We only use what’s proven to work, and we’re incredibly proud of these effective products. They’ve helped me, and so many others heal from damaged skin and hair, and I know they’ll work for you!


Thank you so much, Irina, for giving us your precious time! We wish you all the best for your journey ahead!


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