Dr. Jennifer Hintzsche, CEO & Founder of PherDal is empowering people to take control of their fertility journey!

We had the pleasure of interviewing Dr. Jennifer Hintzsche, CEO & Founder of PherDal. Here are the excerpts from the interview. 

Hi, Great to have you with us today! Please share with our readers about yourself.

Hello, I’m Dr. Jennifer Hintzsche, Ph.D. and I’m a wife, mother, innovator, and passionate advocate for women’s health. I was NIU’s first recipient of a doctoral degree in bioinformatics in 2014 after obtaining a Master’s Degree in the same subject. I am the author of over two-dozen peer-reviewed scientific articles, and my work has been cited nearly 600 times in respected science journals for my clinical expertise.  

Please tell us more about your journey.

I was diagnosed with unexplained infertility in 2017 and was told expensive fertility options were my only chance at conceiving. My husband is a mechanical engineer, and we invented and conceived our daughter using our invention, the patent-pending PherDal kit, in just two months. I knew that what we did could also help others, so I started PherDal last year to do just that. 


Please share with our readers more about PherDal.

We made 200 proof of concept kits last year, selling out in 90 days with at least 21 more PherDal babies on the way. We aim to bridge the gap between traditional conception and more invasive, expensive fertility treatments offered in clinics by offering the first sterile FDA-cleared over-the-counter assisted reproduction kit of its kind. We launched a crowdfunding equity campaign to help us get our patent-pending version to market 

What are the strategies that helped you become successful in your journey?

Science has always led me to seek out answers based on data and facts. It allows me to stay open-minded and learn from data. 

Any message for our readers.

We need investors to make this happen, and because of crowdfunding, EVERYONE can invest in our campaign starting at just $249! 

Fantastic! So tell us, how can people find out more about you? 

Follow us on social media at PherDal Science! Invest today before our offer closes at startengine.com/pherdal


Thank you so much, Dr. Jennifer, for giving us your precious time! We wish you all the best for your journey ahead!


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