The Easy Vegan Recipes by Author Ben Johnson shares satisfying vegan recipes to bring joy to your palette

We had the pleasure of interviewing Ben Johnson, Author of The Easy Vegan Recipes: Over 51 simple and quick recipes. Here are the excerpts from the interview. 

Hi, Great to have you with us today! Please share with our readers about yourself.

Hi, I am an animal lover, and I love cooking! My sweet wife and I embrace the parenthood journey together, striving to raise two happy and confident little girls. We have two beautiful cats who add so much fun to our already beautiful life! My family and I love exploring new places whenever we have a chance, and we are huge fans of the seaside! 

What inspired you to write the book, The Easy Vegan Recipes.

I started writing my first book this January when I thought that maybe there are more people who want to try a meat-free meal, and maybe they don’t know where to start. So, together with my wife, we started to take notes of the ingredients and amounts and taking pictures of the meal to create this book. We are in the process of creating another two books in the next six months! 

My plan is to make people aware that there are more options available to them that do not include meat, fish, or dairy and are as nutritious and delicious. I think there is a misconception about Vegan food, and I would love to give more people the opportunity to try it for themselves. 


What are the strategies that helped you become successful in your journey?  

My passion for cooking and my love for animals give me the enthusiasm and motivation to bring these books to life! 30% of my profit goes straight to animal charities!

Any message for our readers.

I am always open to criticism and constructive feedback, and I am very eager to improve at any given point. If someone is interested in becoming my VIP reader, for early access to my books in consideration of feedback and an Amazon review, please type into any browser and press enter, or alternatively, you can email me at or Please put ‘ARC REVIEWER’ as the subject if you can.



Thank you so much for giving us your precious time! We wish you all the best for your journey ahead!


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