Uniting people and businesses is at the heart of what we do, says Woman Entrepreneur Khadijah Haliru, President & CEO of K Business Group

Today, we have the pleasure of interviewing Khadijah Haliru, President & CEO of K Business Group, Supply Chain Professional, and Life Coach. She empowers others with business tools and strategies. 

Please tell us about what it is that you do.

I am the CEO and creative behind the products we manufacture at K Business Group inc. K Business Group is a family managed business with a goal to impact our community with a diverse offering. From our food products, skincare and beauty line and wellness event promoters, we bring people together. We are proud to share our creations because they help bring people together.

Since Covid started, we have been rebranding and moved digitally 100% as we relaunch our brands into 2021.

Can you please tell us more about your journey?

I started out as a health beauty and business coach to make and launch my brands drawing from personal experiences and creativity. I grew up with dry skin that was so dry it would bleed, and so I grew up testing natural ingredients to find help for my skin till I learned and perfected the formulations I now share. My passion for food learned from my mom and experiences cooking for our large family allows me to enjoy cooking for many and sharing; thus, I launched my food line.

We have so much support from customers that we kept growing, believing that even more is possible.

When 2020 came around, we had such hopes to grow our brands. We started the year off by incorporating and making plans for increased production that could help us reach new markets in the US and Europe, but Covid shut so much down. It’s the end of the year now, and as we enter into the winter months, We know it’s hard on so many, but we thought telling our story of resilience could help get some through this. We have increased production and can definitely get some products into the states and make many still enjoy the taste and ‘feel of home’ through our products.

Please tell us more about ‘Brands By K.’

Brands By K‘ started with the skincare line of products and grew into a health and wellness education. Uniting people with products within this space is at the heart of what we do. We strive to understand the diverse needs of different groups and provide options that cater to their needs. 


Our brands include:

K Coaching Academy,

K Body Blends Organic Skincare & Halal Luxury Cosmetics,

My KETO World Canada and,

HANAK Foods.

At K Body Blends, I always loved creating and finding solutions for myself, and even more so, I loved to share my creations with those who suffered from the same or similar skincare issues that I had. You will find comfort in the richness of products and soon believe how simple organic blends can deliver such healing. It’s all chemical-free, and even our preservative is natural. 

Since 2016, HANAK foods brand launched the first bottled Nigerian stew and we have been providing ethnic choices in shops across Canada since. The Nigerian community was especially proud of this product because it cut cook time into mere minutes for wholesome meals.


What are the strategies that helped you become successful in your journey?

Belief in myself and my dreams have kept me going. Starting small and building on it over time has sustained us till now, since launching in 2015.

Any message for our readers.

Believe in that little voice that tells you, yes, you can! It’s not impossible. Just start working at it, and it all comes together piece by piece.

Fantastic! So tell us, how can people find out more about you?

Brands by K has a YouTube channel to follow, and on social, we are on Facebook, and Instagram.


Thank you so much for giving us your precious time! We wish you the best for your journey ahead!

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