Author Doug Barger helps in discovering the Entrepreneur within you with his book Entrepreneurship Success Secrets!

Today, we have the pleasure of interviewing Doug Barger. He is known throughout the world for equipping people from all walks of life for entrepreneurship and business success.

Great to have you with us today! Please tell us about your book, Entrepreneurship Success Secrets (“Discover the Entrepreneur Within You!” Book 1).

Entrepreneurship Success Secrets provides a practical roadmap to success with your own online business. It helps you bypass some of the learning curves and shares insights from experience in serial entrepreneurship. If you ever wanted to create your own products and have an automated business online working to make you money, this book will help you. 

Any message for our readers.

For readers who wish to get detailed and truly step-by-step coaching to implement, you can find out about that in the book on the website

Fantastic! So tell us, how can people find out more about you?

You can download Entrepreneurship Success Secrets Mindset Minute here for FREE now!

You can also check out the offer on the website. Due to the pandemic, there is a special offer going for email coaching from $197 to just $97!!


Thank you so much, Doug, for giving us your precious time! We wish you all the best for your journey ahead!