Planning to Start a Business? Read Mario Peshev’s Essential Guide – ‘126 Steps to Becoming a Successful Entrepreneur’

The entrepreneurial journey is often glamorized in media portrayals, presenting an allure that is hard to resist for many aspiring moguls. However, Mario Peshev’s “126 Steps to Becoming a Successful Entrepreneur” serves as a critical counterpoint, offering a raw and detailed examination of the true nature of starting your own business. Peshev, a seasoned business advisor and global influencer in the WordPress community, draws from his extensive experience to shed light on the myths and challenges of the entrepreneurial path.

The Entrepreneurial Fad vs. The Harsh Truth

Despite the growing number of small businesses across the United States—over 32 million according to the US Census Bureau—there’s a darker side to this surge in entrepreneurship. Many individuals dive into business ownership with dreams of freedom and financial success, only to encounter the harsh realities of what it truly means to run a business. Peshev’s book reveals that while many Americans venture into entrepreneurship, a staggering 76.2% of these businesses generate just 4% of SMB sales, illustrating the tough competition and slim margins faced by new entrants.

Peshev uses the book to methodically deconstruct the fantasy of becoming an overnight success. Instead, he portrays a scenario where entrepreneurs exchange a stable 40-hour work week for a relentless grind that can extend to 100 hours per week, highlighting the intense commitment and perseverance required to sustain a startup. This realistic perspective is not meant to deter, but to prepare and fortify those considering this path, making it clear that entrepreneurship is not just an escape from the 9-to-5 routine but a challenging journey requiring significant sacrifice.

Essential Advice and Strategic Tips for the Budding Entrepreneur

126 Steps to Becoming a Successful Entrepreneur” is structured around vital topics ranging from basic introductions to entrepreneurship to strategic advice tailored to specific industries. The book addresses the essential dos and don’ts, helping novices avoid common pitfalls that many fall into. Through a compilation of 126 questions—sourced from students, blue-collar workers, and rookie entrepreneurs—Peshev provides a comprehensive guide that covers every conceivable angle of starting a business.

This format not only makes complex concepts accessible but also ensures that readers can see practical applications of theoretical knowledge. Each section of the book is designed to build on the previous, creating a layered understanding of what it takes to not only launch a business but to sustain and grow it amidst the challenges of the market.

A Reality Check for Potential Entrepreneurs

As an entrepreneur who has founded multiple companies and experienced both highs and lows in the startup world, Peshev does not shy away from discussing the “feast and famine” cycles that many businesses endure. His insights are particularly valuable for anyone at the crossroads of making a significant career change. With a candid recount of his own experiences and those of the many he has advised—including notable organizations and startups—Peshev offers a mentor-like voice through his writing.

In essence, the book acts as a critical friend for anyone who might be enamored by the superficial appeal of entrepreneurship. It forces readers to confront whether they are truly prepared for the demands of such a life change or if their energies would be better directed towards more preparation and planning.

As we look forward to Peshev’s upcoming publications, “126 Steps to Becoming a Successful Entrepreneur” remains an essential read for anyone serious about stepping into the entrepreneurial arena. It’s not just a book but a reality check that could very well save prospective entrepreneurs from costly missteps, equipping them with the knowledge and strategies to not only start but thrive in the demanding world of business.

We had the pleasure of interviewing the Author. Here are excerpts from the interview:

Hi, Please introduce yourself and tell us what you do.

My name is Mario Peshev, and I am a serial entrepreneur, founder of several companies (three in the 7 figures), and successfully completed multiple exits. I’ve consulted over 400 executives and founders in my business advisory, Growth Shuttle, and trained hundreds of teams across organizations like VMware, SAP, Software AG, CERN, Saudi Aramco, and many others.

Please tell us about your book.

The book is a depiction of the entrepreneurial process – the “behind the scenes” journey of what truly happens over the first months and how different it seems compared to what the media covers.

Please tell us about your journey.

As an angel investor in 20 startups going through ups and downs over the past 5 years, I understand the hardships of launching and scaling companies (and why many of them fail soon).

What are the strategies that helped you become successful in your journey?

Ambition, determination, hard work, consistency. It’s about repetitive improvements and progress.

Any message for our readers

If you’re passionate about the journey, enjoy the ride, it’s totally worth it. But if you’re in the 9 to 5 camp and seek active work-life balance, this won’t be possible in the first 1-3 years of your growth journey.

Thank you so much, Mario, for giving us your precious time! We wish you all the best for your journey ahead!


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