Las Vegas Businessman Ron Coury shares how he achieved the American dream in his autobiography Tenacity!

Today, we have the pleasure of interviewing Ron Coury, an entrepreneur and a major business figure in Las Vegas, Nevada, Sunnyvale, and Seaside, California, for decades. He has written his autobiography titled Tenacity.

Please tell us about yourself.

I arrived in Las Vegas in 1973 after a 2-year term of service in the United States Marine Corps. Over the course of over five decades in Las Vegas, I’ve been a casino dealer, realtor, and business owner. The businesses I’ve founded or purchased numbered in the dozens in a variety of fields. My entrepreneurial aspirations encountered numerous corruptive and dangerous hurdles, which led me to consider writing a book to tell the story that was my life. After the sale of the last of my companies, authoring my autobiography began. After 2 years of writing and editing, the book entitled Tenacity was published.

Ron Coury

Please tell us more about your journey.

My life story describes growing up in a rough Brooklyn, New York neighborhood, enlisting in the Marines. It delves into the various businesses I envisioned and began. Some endeavors confronted me with some corruptive city government and police elements, death threats, and other efforts to attempt to deter me from competing in some areas of industry.

Please tell us about your autobiography, Tenacity.

Tenacity describes some of the behind the scenes realities of being a casino dealer in Las Vegas, a tavern developer, and owner in the liquor, gaming, and restaurant business, starting and operating a limousine service, maneuvering through the various governmental approvals to engage in transportation, liquor, and gaming. My readers are given the opportunity to feel like they are right beside me as I pursued other opportunities in the graphic design, printing, and wholesale glass and mirror industries, as well as the automobile dealership business. Trying to excel in these lucrative areas of business in a young and growing city like Las Vegas from the 1970s through the ensuing 50 years provides a roller coaster like ride of risk, danger, rewards, and inspiration. Tenacity provides readers with an engaging and exciting motivational how-to book on making dreams become reality.

What are some strategies that helped you become successful?

Diligence, determination, and tenacity, instilled in me by my parents and in the Marines, gave me the tools needed to confront adversity, battle life’s bullies, and prevail in a competitive business environment, staring down life’s challenges and overcoming the adversities that stood in the way of my dreams. Surrounding myself with loyal and highly efficient trusted support staff was critical to diversification and growth in multiple businesses simultaneously. Also critical to any level of success was having trusted and loyal friends and business partners around me.


Any message for our readers.

Nothing of great value comes without some challenges and adversity. While we can’t always know from behind which door an obstacle may appear, we can be assured that hurdles in life will challenge us. We will be remembered in life not for what difficulties we faced but rather for how we stared them down and overcame them. Let no bully go unchallenged and take on every unforeseen problem as a worthy challenge to overcome by going through it, over it, or around it. Despite any level of success, one may achieve, always treat everyone you encounter with the same respect and consideration you wanted and expected for yourself.


Fantastic! So tell us, how can people find out more about you?

You can visit any of my social pages of Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, or visit my website.


Thank you so much for giving us your precious time! We wish you the best for your journey ahead!