Her passion for social media, fashion and travel led her to build her own blog ‘That Blogging Girl.’ Meet Kiyashmi from Assam!

Blogging has been a pillar of Internet content. Today, it continues to be a significant part of an online presence, especially in the age of social media.

Kiyashmi is a Social Media Manager and Content Strategist based in Assam, India. She specializes in supporting small businesses, influencers, bloggers, and independent creators and helps them build their online presence and a following, even if they had none before. Kiyashmi has been building her own brand since 2017 and has focused on creating something authentic that promotes organic growth.


Kiyashmi produces her content and helps others do the same. She offers a wide variety of blog posts detailing her travels across India and also giving solid social media marketing tips for anyone interested in the topic. 

That blogging girl comes from a small and beautiful village of Assam, where she lived surrounded by natural sights that continue to draw her today. With high scores in high school, she went for a B. Tech in Mechanical at the prestigious Tezpur University. It was like a dream come true. 


However, when Kiyashmi was at university, she began to look for ways to support herself, as she saw how hard her parents worked. It felt to her that she should not just take their money. She started to research what she could do to make money as she continued her studies, and the idea of making money online came up as an idea. Since her childhood, she has been fond of writing and has had plenty of practice, which led to her first becoming a freelance writer. Then, she caught sight of the possibility of blogging and started from scratch – from Googling what a blog was. 

After three months of intense research, Kiyashmi felt enough confidence to start her own blog, focused on lifestyle, and since then, she hasn’t looked back. Through this hands-on practice, little by little, she began to learn more about SMM and creating aesthetically pleasing pictures and all the other skills involved in managing a successful page. Meanwhile, she also graduated and got a job as a product engineer, proving that blogging and studying could be done together. After her graduation, Kiyashmi took her blog to a new level and created That Blogging Girl, her personal brand that went beyond what she imagined. 


Today, Kiyashmi puts her skills to good use and provides personalized support for influencers, creators, and small business owners hoping to create their own brand and build an authentic following that will like their products and their style. She has her own journey to guide her, one with many obstacles that she has managed to overcome, and that offers unique and real expertise. It’s all Kiyashmi and her passion for social media, authenticity, creating communities, fashion, and travel. At the same time, she continues to build her own brand, and, of course, she wouldn’t be That Blogging Girl if she stopped blogging!

You can check out her Instagram @shemeanssocial and @Kiyashmi.