London Semi Pro Boxing Champion and Entrepreneur Bilat Shaista a.k.a. Bil Sha consults and motivates those who are struggling!

Today, we also have the pleasure of interviewing Bilat Shaista, also know as Bil Sha. He is an entrepreneur and loves motivating and helping build young individuals to gain confidence.

With over a decade of experience excelling in various roles within the property industry, Bilat now resides as Business Development Manager at Allen Goldstein. His time is spent designing, overseeing, and implementing strategies within the agency, as well as continually taking steps to deliver the best possible services for tenants and landlords. A specialist in his field, he continually looks to utilize aspects of public relations and artificial intelligence to deliver an ‘above and beyond’ solution in response to the property market’s ever-evolving needs. 

A firm believer in focus and self-discipline, Bilat is passionate about personal growth and loves a challenge. He enjoys being fit & healthy. In his downtime, he can often be found coaching and competing in semi-professional boxing.

Please tell us about your journey.

I dropped out of school quite early on but didn’t want this to be a hindrance in my life. I had very big dreams and aspirations from a young age so always focused on my end goals and thought about how to achieve them.

I started working in a small hotel, and by the age of eighteen I was a Food and Beverage Manager.

A year later I wanted a change so when the opportunity came along, I applied for another job and started working for a large food and vegetable wholesalers.

During my time in employment I felt something was missing, and deep down I knew I didn’t want to work for anyone and wanted to run a successful business myself. I knew that in order to achieve this not only did I have to work hard, I had to work smart too. I made a plan of what I wanted to do and how I was going to achieve this.

A couple of years later at the age of twenty one, I started my first company and within two years it was thriving.

The team I had, like myself was quite young, and I believe the success of that business was down to the fact I put the people working with me at the forefront of the business. I put my time and effort into the growth of my team members first by motivating and coaching them, and getting them to realise their potential. In return I got a very productive work force who shared the same objectives as me, and we were able to meet the demands and expectations of our clients, which lead to my first success on the business ladder.

Following on from this I went into Insolvency Services. In this field I found people from different walks of life and backgrounds who wanted advice and guidance from me. The advice given would be taken on board and actioned and people’s lives were changing for the better. This role I was playing in the community eventually lead me to become a Business Management Consultant.

Please tell us about what it is that you do.

I always had a drive for improving things In life, whether that be myself, the situation I’m in, or helping others to improve themselves.

My passion for challenges and finding myself always giving advice to friends, family, acquaintances and clients has lead me to the path of becoming Business Management Consultant.

I specialise in the growth of businesses by analysing business models and by guiding, advising and motivating business owners to accompish and exceed their goals.

What are the strategies that helped you become successful in your journey?

I am a quick thinker and very creative. The best skill I have to date is being able to plan strategically so this has definitely assisted me in the success of my businesses.

The strategies that have helped me were to always select my team members carefully and then put my time and effort into their development. I realised many years ago that there is alot of energy and talent out there, and I wanted to help channel that energy and talent into something that will benefit my team and the economy.

I keep my eyes on my competitors, and always stay one step ahead of them by analysing their flaws, and bringing innovative ideas that will benefit my customers/clients and deliver the best possible outcome in business. I’m forward thinking and take calculated risks confidently.

To achieve my dreams I always believed in myself and believed that anything is possible, continually working hard, working smart and staying focused.

Any message for our readers.

If you have a strong mindset, anything is achievable.

Bil Sha

Fantastic! So tell us, how can people find out more about you?

You can visit my website for more information. You can also check out my Facebook profile and follow my Instagram handle @bilsy212.


Thank you so much for giving us your precious time! We wish you the best for your journey ahead!