10 tips on how to take care of your puppy’s needs

Anyone who has ever raised a puppy knows that potty training can be one of the most tiring and time-consuming parts of having a dog. Puppies simply don’t know the difference between inside and outside until they start to get older.

The best thing you can do is make it as easy for them as possible and to give them enough room and opportunity to roam free (in an area where you can keep an eye on them).

Doggie diapers for puppies are available in pet stores, but you don’t necessarily have to use them.

Just make sure that your puppy has enough room to roam around and can get used to the idea of potty training quickly.

And now for our ten tips on how to take care of your puppy’s needs:

1 – Make A Schedule

Dogs take their cues from us. They want to know what’s going on and when they should behave, eat or do anything that is associated with them. Your puppy will learn very quickly that specific times of the day mean fun and playtime and other times mean it’s time for him/her to go potty. It doesn’t take too long for a dog to get the routine after you begin.

2 – Set An Example For Your Puppy

Just like kids, dogs look up to their parents as mentors and examples of how things work in the world. If you’re constantly coming home from work and letting your puppy out immediately, he’ll learn that this is just something people do every evening after returning from work. If you take your puppy out first thing in the morning, he’ll be more likely to mimic your behaviour.

3 – Keep Your Puppy Consistent With His Or Her Name

People who are trying to potty train their puppies often wonder why it doesn’t seem to work.  One of the biggest reasons is that they use different words for the same behaviour every day, which confuses their pup or dog even further. Instead of giving him several different names for doing something wrong or right (such as “boo” and “bad dog”) pick one name and stick with it so that your dog knows what you’re referring to at all times.

4 – Take Your Dog Out For A Walk Before Bedtime

If you have a dog who is being potty trained, you may be keeping him inside at night. But this isn’t the best idea for many reasons, not least of which is that dogs are by nature nocturnal so leaving them inside all day and then sleeping them away can create problems with separation anxiety. Instead of doing this, take your puppy out for a walk before bedtime to help him relax and become tired enough to sleep through the night without needing another bathroom break.

5 – Give Your Puppy Proper Diet Plan And Nutrition

Dogs are similar to people in the way they need proper diet plans and nutrition.  A proper diet plan and nutrition ensures that your dog is getting all of the nutrients he needs to stay healthy, which is important if you want him to be potty trained.  All dogs need certain vitamins and minerals for their brains to work properly; without them, they can lose focus or become confused easily. A simple way to make sure your dog is getting everything he needs nutritionally is to feed him a high-quality dry dog kibble paired with some wet food (or balanced raw meals) every now and then. There are also vitamin supplements you can give your dog too, but make sure that you consult with your vet before giving them to your dog.

6 – Reward Your Dog For Good Behaviour (And Ignore Bad Behaviour)

A very effective way to potty train your puppy is by rewarding good behaviour and ignoring bad behaviour. You can give him a treat when he goes outside or pees on the floor, but you don’t want to make a big deal out of this too much because it will reinforce his bad behaviour (he’ll learn that peeing on the floor makes his owner happy).  Instead, give him lots of praise and treats after he’s done something right so that he knows what you’re looking for.

7 – Let Your Puppy Out When He Whines Or Cries

Puppies are quite sensitive creatures which is why you should let your puppy out when he whines or cries. If you do this, the moment he starts to whine or cry, open a door and allow him access to a backyard or an area where you want him to potty.  If your dog is whining because he wants attention, make sure you give it to him immediately after he’s peed on the floor.

8 – Don’t Punish Your Dog For Accidents

Dogs are not human beings and they cannot be punished in ways that we punish our kids for making mistakes. Despite the fact that some people think it’s okay to punish their dogs by whipping them with belts etc., there is no proof whatsoever that doing these things will teach them anything, especially if you do it out of anger. The best thing you can do when your dog makes a mistake is to take him outside and give him praise if he’s done his business or ignore the behaviour entirely if he hasn’t.

9 – Make Bathroom Dog Accessible

If you live in a house, make sure the bathroom is easily accessible for your dog to get to during certain times of the day. You can use a doggy door or a baby gate to make it easy for him to get in and out at will. If you have a big enough toilet, you can also get a dog litter box that attaches to the bowl so your dog always has a place to go when he needs it.

10 – Keep Your Dog In A Comfortable Housing Environment

Finally, make sure your puppy is living in a comfortable environment. This may be an open space or a small-sized room where he’s not kept in one spot for too long and can feel free to come and go from as he pleases. If you have the means, providing your dog with his own bedroom with water/food/litter boxes will also help him to stay home while still allowing himself some freedom.


There you have it.  These tips and tricks will help you to quickly potty train your puppy in just a few days time! And remember, if you ever have any questions, don’t hesitate to consult with your vet and ask away.  They’ll be happy to help!


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